Anna Simó
I was born 1978 in Marosvásárhely.
In 2000 I received diploma at Gyula Juhász College at Szeged, department for drawing and German, in the class of Pál Lázár.
In 2005 I received diploma at University of West Hungary, Sopron, Institute of Applied Arts, department for architecture. My diploma project was designed to the riverbanks of Tisza at Szeged. My consultant was Péter Vesmás.
Since 2004 I am member of Tér és Forma.
In my freetime I am doing painting and ceramics.
Exhibitions, art workshops:
1999 - Szeged, I. National Art Exhibiton of Students
1999, 2000 - Temesvár, International Art Festival of Students
2001 - Sopron, Regional Television „Háromféleképp”
2002 - Kecskemét, International Ceramics Studio
2003 - Pécs, National Theatre Symposium: „Sunday Love Project”
2004, 2005 - Szeged, Italian Institute: Lajtorja – Association of Young Artists
2007 - Szeged, Reök palace „Contemporary Szeged”
2008 - Hódmezővásárhely Ceramics Symposium